Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Introducing...EARTH DEFENDERS!!

Greetings Earthlinks!

I am Kak Ngah. I am Amir the Creator's Sister. I have helped Amir set up this site to showcase Amir's works of art. First, let me tell you a bit about Amir...

  • Amir's full name is Amir Faisal Bin Agil. He is 17 years old this year (2011), and he goes to school at Sekolah Menengah Wangsa Maju Sek 5. He is too gifted and too special for the usual classes, hence he's in the special class for fun and talented beings. Amir has ADD. For you earthlinks who don't know what that is, please click HERE.
  • Amir is very much into robots, sci-fi's, science, comics and arts, among other things. Hence, he always combines his interests and creates one of a kind sculptures or models. He usually makes models or sculpture of robots, creatures, aliens, etc. using different mediums, like legos, plasticine and the latest using polymer clay. He is still exploring using other mediums. Amir's favorite movies include The Fifth Element, Transformers, Alien Vs Predator, ET and many more.
Now that you've gotten to know the creator, let me tell you a bit about the Earth Defenders!!
The name, Earth Defenders, originated from the creator himself. I asked him what he wanted to call his blog, and that was what he told me. Earth Defenders(!!) are basically characters that Amir has created. Every character has a story, and Amir will tell you this keep coming back to this site to know more about....The Earth Defenders!!

Stay Tuned Earthlinks!

May the force be with you,